Saturday 30 June 2012



I just had an epiphany. After seeing multitudinous blogs spring up everywhere, some of them authored by my best friends (who let me tell you, are pretty darn amazing at writing), I realized something that they have and I don’t, although my blog’s been on the bandwagon longer than theirs. And that, friends, Romans and countrymen, is an introduction.

Firstly, I would like to clarify that neither do I put myself on a pedestal thinking I’m a genius, nor do I require the many creature comforts of an asylum; as the description of the blog may divulge. The name of the blog was actually derived from the quote by Oscar Levant that says, “There’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.” This got me onto thinking about how all of us are treading a very fine line and trying to pull off a balancing act, walking on eggshells all day, every day, conforming to societal norms and peer pressure. I mean, as a seventeen year old adolescent, I have had to fit into several images of nerd, idiot, agony aunt (this most of all), writer, editor, best friend, and the list just goes on. They now feel like worn out socks but I haven’t found the one with the best fit… Yet. So now, I just want to do what I like to do best: Write about anything and everything under the sun; from how Le Chat Noir is actually French cabaret and not literally a Black Cat (as most Facebook pages would like to suggest) to why the Schrodinger’s Cat paradigm exists, when of course it would smell to the high heavens after it died (Duh. I don’t know why scientists have to complicate everything). So welcome to Treading That Line. I hope (for the first time EVER) that you overstay your welcome.

Au revoir mes amis,

P.S. I’m not obsessed about cats.